miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008

CONFERENCE: Father Involvement 2008

Francisco Aguayo Fuenzalida, del Grupo EME, nos ha hecho llegar la Convocatoria a la Conferencia 2008 denominada "Father Involvement Research 2008: Diversity, Visibility, Comunity, a realizarse en Toronto el próximo mes de Octubre.

Agradecemos a Francisco y en las próximas horas ofreceremos una traducción

CONFERENCE: Father Involvement Research 2008: Diversity, Visibility, Community

TORONTO: October 22-24, 2008


Bringing together national and international fatherhood scholars and practitioners from diverse disciplines, this conference offers opportunities to present and discuss emerging research findings and engage in public debate about future policy, practice and research directions for fathers and father involvement.

Visit http://fira.ca/page.php?id=103 for more information about the conference.

The conference has three themes: Diversity, Visibility, and Community. We invite submissions for papers and workshops on these themes. Research, evaluation and policy work will be showcased in several concurrent sessions, with potential formats being workshops, paper presentations, roundtable discussions or theme sessions on specific issues, and posters.

Visit https://secure.barkingdogstudios.com/fira/proposals_form.php for information about proposal submission.

This conference is presented by: Father Involvement Research Alliance, Dr. Kerry Daly-Conference Chair, Centre for Families, Work and Well-being, (University of Guelph) and others



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